WMDEVICEMACR(qˋ@']glSPRWorld>N>L8l MACIPrimary height inCBFlowmap inght inCBDepositionmap inCBColor overlay inCBSPRK 2e2's Jus know it In??PAR2MACOPrimary outputnCBOverlay outputnCBSPRK He2's Jus know it Out??PAR2MACP"SPRK e2's Jus know it Params??PAR2MACHe2clipseName: "Jus Know It" (Basic/Library Version) Author: e2clipse Functions: This macro makes a snow layer and comes with some handy features. It has a build in snow device Mutli angle evaporation,meaning more control over were you snow is.Not necessarily were to evaporate.Wich you still can by turning angle 2 and 3 off! Build in Lighting,sun and heading wich is not linked to any of the evaporation angle controllers. Means that if you want it to look like the wind blew the snow against that particulair angle then you can.Even if the heading of the sun is differently. Elevations are linked together This macro has the High res colorbanks included in its macro wich colors the snow and ice! Due to complexity of this macros internals... i do not encourage others to enter this macro... It is not forbidden to alter the Basic version For adding mask inputs and such Pro and Elite versions will only be altered by me! If you have questions or sugestions just PM me on the World Machine Community forum: my name is e2clipse Have fun!GFX2 !"#!@A?AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@AB@@B?#$"! !hjfvwukmg 7:5jmg|.0,13.ƴȶǵƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴƴǴŲ~(*%)*&x~tyn%'#')%ys|tym%'#')%ys|tym%'#')%ys|tym%'#')%ys|tym%'#')%ys|tym%'#')%ys|tym%'#')%ysMw$$$$w$r$sL|tym%'#')%ysa$$$$$P$L$sL|tym%'#')%yss$$$P:b$v$$ޘMw$b$r$$$sK|tym%'#')%ysq$$Ñz$P$$wP$[$=$r|tym%'#')%ysP$v$J$ޘ$$JP$$$rtym%'#')%ys9`$$$$$$sLP$$[$$$$$r|tym%'#')%ys9`$vP$$Cw$$nI|tym%'#')%ysq$$$$$$a$$$$$$ޘ$L$J:b$^|tym%'#')%ysa$$$$w$r$$$$$$b$J$$$sK|tym%'#')%ys|tym%'#')%ys|tym%'#')%ysΟe۠zۢ|tym%'#')%ysΟ9|tym%'#')%ysΟfe9Οϭ9۠zۢP:|tym%'#')%ysΟz¶֨Ҷ۠zۢPe΢|tym%'#')%ys99P9¶֨ ۠zۢPe΢e|tym%'#'(%x~rΝ:9P |sxl%'#&($tyn{xqvk%&#&'#SWNzs|u}w}w}w}w}w}w}w}w}w}w}w}w}w}w}w}w}w}w}w}w}w}w}w|ux~rRVN$&"=@:QULmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshmshQUL?IntensityP1>@Evaporative BalanceP1$dSnow AmountP1 #<?Snow LineP1#<Linear DepthmaskP1 A?CDepthmask CutoffP1ATaper SnowfallEQUASPRK ??PAR2P1L??EqualizationControls the degree of equalization. Full equalization means that each height value will be equally represented in the terrain.P1sCapture sampleanceKcTake the current heightfield and use it as a sample to equalize all terrain against in the future.P1sRelease sampleBRelease the sample and again equalize every terrain individually.CMB2SPRK ??PAR2P1 MethodationmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1??StrengthampleanceLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectCMB2SPRK [??PAR2P1 MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1??StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectCHOSSPRK Type??PAR2P1MethodChoose between A and B inputs bChoose between B and A inputs bAdd B to A based on CSSELSPRK yheightfield??PAR2P1?MinimumP1??MaximumP1<?FalloffP1Falloff typeP1Invert SelectionOLVWSPRK ??PAR2P1Mask ColorsReplace with MaskBlend colors with MaskP1?Mask AmbientEXPASPRK ??PAR2P1ActionSnow Amount2Specifies the operation to perform on the terrainMaxMinSwellTightenP1Filter typeSnow LinePThe shape of the comparison kernel. Terrain features tend to take on this shapeSquare (fast)Circular (slow)Hybrid (fast)P1 Distance?IntensitRHow large the shape kernel is; this controls how strongly the terrain is effectedP1Scale-independantEvaporathScale independance ensures the effect doesn't change radically between a low and high resolution renderEXPASPRK ?? PAR2P1Action2Specifies the operation to perform on the terrainMaxMinSwellTightenP1Filter typePThe shape of the comparison kernel. Terrain features tend to take on this shapeSquare (fast)Circular (slow)Hybrid (fast)P1 DistanceRHow large the shape kernel is; this controls how strongly the terrain is effectedP1Scale-independanthScale independance ensures the effect doesn't change radically between a low and high resolution renderS_CPSPRK #??!PAR2P1`>?Current Value0The current value that this device is producingP1??Max Range)The maximum value to allow in the outputP1?Min Range)The minimum value to allow in the outputP1Type=Specify how to clamp the input value to the specified range.RescaleClipS_GNSPRK ??"PAR2P1`>?Valuet ValueThe scalar value to generate.BLURSPRK ??#PAR2P1Blur typeMin#The type of blurring filter to useUniform (fastest)GaussianMotion BlurP1Blur radiusQHow large the blur kernel is; this controls how strongly the terrain is effectedP1Scale-independantnear Depthmask\Scale independence keeps the blur amount the same for both low and high resolution terrainsP14CDirectionDepthmask CutoffDirection of Motion BlurIVRTSPRK S??$PAR2BIGASPRK ??%PAR2P1O?o:;?Biastype+Adjusts the average heights of the terrainP14^>o:;?Gainradius3Increases or decreases the contrast of the terrainBIGASPRK ??&PAR2P1Gw?o:;?Bias+Adjusts the average heights of the terrainP1 >o:;?Gain3Increases or decreases the contrast of the terrainCOLGSPRK h!??'PAR2P1ColormCHOSSPRK >?Fall??(PAR2P1MethodChoose between A and B inputs bChoose between B and A inputs bAdd B to A based on CCHOSSPRK ??)PAR2P1MethodChoose between A and B inputs bChoose between B and A inputs bAdd B to A based on CPRLMSPRK "??*PAR2 P1Illumination ModelDirect LightingRaytraced LightingP1Included LightingShadowsIndirect Lighting Only(Shadows + Indirect + Direct)P1Produce RGB LightmapP1Soft ClippingP1Use Global Light DirectionP1hSun HeadingP1ZSun AltitudeP1??Sky Lighting LevelP1@StrengthBLURSPRK :??/PAR2P1Blur typeon Model#The type of blurring filter to useUniform (fastest)GaussianMotion BlurP1Blur radiushtingQHow large the blur kernel is; this controls how strongly the terrain is effectedP1Scale-independantap\Scale independence keeps the blur amount the same for both low and high resolution terrainsP14CDirectioningDirection of Motion BlurBLURSPRK ??0PAR2P1Blur type#The type of blurring filter to useUniform (fastest)GaussianMotion BlurP1Blur radiusQHow large the blur kernel is; this controls how strongly the terrain is effectedP1Scale-independant\Scale independence keeps the blur amount the same for both low and high resolution terrainsP14CDirectionDirection of Motion BlurCLMPSPRK ??1PAR2P1>?Range1P1??Range2P1TypeP1NormalizeSSPLSPRK heightfield??2PAR2P1OutputsCMB2SPRK Xw??3PAR2P1 MethodpemWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1??StrengthusLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectAPRL?????????SPRK 4PAR2P1Style BasicRidgedBillowySmooth RidgedSmooth BillowySharp RidgedFlat MiddleTerracedStephen's Choice 1P1?;AScaleP1>@?PersistenceP1H@?ALacunarityP1OctavesStyleP1LSeedScaleP1??SteepnessrsistenceP1??ElevationcunarityP1?Multiscale PowerP1Multiscale Lead-inP1Multiscale TypeStyleSignal LevelElevationBi-Signal LevelBi-ElevationClassicalP1?OffsetAScaleP1??Gain@?PersistenceP1Shapeguide PoweracunarityP1=?Distortion PowerctavesP1??Persistence GuideedSELCSPRK ??5PAR2P1=@StrengthCOLGSPRK R??6PAR2P1ColorCOLGSPRK $??7PAR2P1ColorIVRTSPRK ??8PAR2CMB2SPRK x??9PAR2P1 MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1??StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectCHOSSPRK P]Sharp Ridged??:PAR2P1MethodChoose between A and B inputs bChoose between B and A inputs bAdd B to A based on CHSELSPRK ??;PAR2P1?MinimumStepP1l??MaximumElevatioP1?FalloffMinimumlevationP1Falloff typeumP1Invert SelectionStephen's ChEXPASPRK ??<PAR2P1Action2Specifies the operation to perform on the terrainMaxMinSwellTightenP1Filter typePThe shape of the comparison kernel. Terrain features tend to take on this shapeSquare (fast)Circular (slow)Hybrid (fast)P1 DistanceRHow large the shape kernel is; this controls how strongly the terrain is effectedP1Scale-independanthScale independance ensures the effect doesn't change radically between a low and high resolution renderS_CPSPRK @??=PAR2P1;?Current Value0The current value that this device is producingP1<?Max Range)The maximum value to allow in the outputP1?Min Range)The minimum value to allow in the outputP1Type=Specify how to clamp the input value to the specified range.RescaleClipS_GNSPRK ??>PAR2P1>?Valuet ValueThe scalar value to generate.EQUASPRK &???PAR2P1??EqualizationinControls the degree of equalization. Full equalization means that each height value will be equally represented in the terrain.P1sCapture samplecTake the current heightfield and use it as a sample to equalize all terrain against in the future.P1sRelease samplehtmapBRelease the sample and again equalize every terrain individually.S_CPSPRK :??@PAR2P1<?Current Value0The current value that this device is producingP1<?Max Range)The maximum value to allow in the outputP1?Min Range)The minimum value to allow in the outputP1Type=Specify how to clamp the input value to the specified range.RescaleClipS_GNSPRK ;??APAR2P1??Valuet ValueThe scalar value to generate.APRL?????????SPRK BPAR2P1Style BasicRidgedBillowySmooth RidgedSmooth BillowySharp RidgedFlat MiddleTerracedStephen's Choice 1P1?;AScaleP1>@?PersistenceP1H@?ALacunarityP1OctavesP1LSeedP1??SteepnessP1??ElevationP1?Multiscale PowerP1Multiscale Lead-inP1Multiscale TypeSignal LevelElevationBi-Signal LevelBi-ElevationClassicalP1?OffsetP1??GainP1Shapeguide PowerP1=?Distortion PowerP1??Persistence GuideSELCSPRK ??CPAR2P1=@StrengthionCOLGSPRK ??DPAR2P1ColorCOLGSPRK '??EPAR2P1ColorIVRTSPRK ??FPAR2CMB2SPRK ??GPAR2P1 MethodationmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1??StrengthampleLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectCHOSSPRK h ??HPAR2P1MethodChoose between A and B inputs bChoose between B and A inputs bAdd B to A based on CHSELSPRK b??IPAR2P1??Minimum??P1\??Maximum?P1??FalloffP1Falloff typeP1Invert Selection?EXPASPRK f??JPAR2P1Action2Specifies the operation to perform on the terrainMaxMinSwellTightenP1Filter typePThe shape of the comparison kernel. Terrain features tend to take on this shapeSquare (fast)Circular (slow)Hybrid (fast)P1 DistanceRHow large the shape kernel is; this controls how strongly the terrain is effectedP1Scale-independanthScale independance ensures the effect doesn't change radically between a low and high resolution renderS_CPSPRK 1??KPAR2P1v=?Current Value0The current value that this device is producingP1=?Max Range)The maximum value to allow in the outputP1?Min Range)The minimum value to allow in the outputP1Type=Specify how to clamp the input value to the specified range.RescaleClipEQUASPRK e??LPAR2P1=?EqualizationinControls the degree of equalization. Full equalization means that each height value will be equally represented in the terrain.P1sCapture samplecTake the current heightfield and use it as a sample to equalize all terrain against in the future.P1sRelease sampleluded LightingBRelease the sample and again equalize every terrain individually.S_CPSPRK 3??MPAR2P1<?Current Value0The current value that this device is producingP1<?Max Range)The maximum value to allow in the outputP1?Min Range)The minimum value to allow in the outputP1Type=Specify how to clamp the input value to the specified range.RescaleClipS_GNSPRK ??NPAR2P1??Valuet ValueThe scalar value to generate.CLMPSPRK f??OPAR2P1?Range1H@?P1??Range2P1TypeffRP1Normalizepe?SWCHSPRK ??PPAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK _8` ??QPAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK 0??RPAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SELFSPRK M_??SPAR2P1gHeadingtionIThe angle along the ground sweeping from the North (0 degrees is North).P1ZElevationmpleCThe elevation angle above the ground (0 degrees is on the ground).SELFSPRK ??TPAR2P12gHeadingIThe angle along the ground sweeping from the North (0 degrees is North).P1ZElevationCThe elevation angle above the ground (0 degrees is on the ground).SELFSPRK ??UPAR2P1gHeadingIThe angle along the ground sweeping from the North (0 degrees is North).P1ZElevationCThe elevation angle above the ground (0 degrees is on the ground).SSPLSPRK u??VPAR2P1OutputsCMB2SPRK ??WPAR2P1 MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1??StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectCMB2SPRK M??XPAR2P1 MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1??StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectSWCHSPRK M??YPAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SSPLSPRK u??ZPAR2P1OutputsSSPLSPRK u??[PAR2P1OutputsSSPLSPRK >??\PAR2P1OutputsSWCHSPRK '??]PAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK ??^PAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK ??_PAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SELFSPRK C??`PAR2P1gHeadingIThe angle along the ground sweeping from the North (0 degrees is North).P1ZElevationCThe elevation angle above the ground (0 degrees is on the ground).SELFSPRK ??aPAR2P12gHeadingIThe angle along the ground sweeping from the North (0 degrees is North).P1ZElevationCThe elevation angle above the ground (0 degrees is on the ground).SELFSPRK '??bPAR2P1gHeadingIThe angle along the ground sweeping from the North (0 degrees is North).P1ZElevationCThe elevation angle above the ground (0 degrees is on the ground).SSPLSPRK k??cPAR2P1OutputsCMB2SPRK ??dPAR2P1 MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1??StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectCMB2SPRK C'??ePAR2P1 MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1??StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectSWCHSPRK C??fPAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SSPLSPRK km??gPAR2P1OutputsSSPLSPRK k7??hPAR2P1OutputsSWCHSPRK ??iPAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK u'??jPAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK t??kPAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SELFSPRK -'??lPAR2P1gHeadingIThe angle along the ground sweeping from the North (0 degrees is North).P1ZElevationCThe elevation angle above the ground (0 degrees is on the ground).SELFSPRK W??mPAR2P12gHeadingIThe angle along the ground sweeping from the North (0 degrees is North).P1ZElevationCThe elevation angle above the ground (0 degrees is on the ground).SELFSPRK ??nPAR2P1gHeadingIThe angle along the ground sweeping from the North (0 degrees is North).P1ZElevationCThe elevation angle above the ground (0 degrees is on the ground).SSPLSPRK U{??oPAR2P1OutputsCMB2SPRK uW??pPAR2P1 MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1??StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectCMB2SPRK -??qPAR2P1 MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1??StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectSWCHSPRK -W??rPAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SSPLSPRK U??sPAR2P1OutputsSSPLSPRK U??tPAR2P1OutputsCHKPSPRK U???uPAR2P1 Number of PortsSWCHSPRK H??vPAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK w??wPAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK D??xPAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SELFSPRK w??yPAR2P1gHeadingIThe angle along the ground sweeping from the North (0 degrees is North).P1ZElevationCThe elevation angle above the ground (0 degrees is on the ground).SELFSPRK H??zPAR2P12gHeadingIThe angle along the ground sweeping from the North (0 degrees is North).P1ZElevationCThe elevation angle above the ground (0 degrees is on the ground).SELFSPRK ??{PAR2P1gHeadingIThe angle along the ground sweeping from the North (0 degrees is North).P1ZElevationCThe elevation angle above the ground (0 degrees is on the ground).SSPLSPRK ??|PAR2P1OutputsCMB2SPRK ??}PAR2P1 MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1??StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectCMB2SPRK ??~PAR2P1 MethodmWhat technique should be used to combine the two inputs. See the Help file for more information on specifics AverageAdd SubtractMultiplyMaxMinPowerRootDetailDifferencesScreenP1??StrengthLThe strength of the combination. High values cause a more pronounced effectSWCHSPRK ??PAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SSPLSPRK ??PAR2P1OutputsSSPLSPRK ??PAR2P1OutputsSWCHSPRK /??PAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SSPLSPRK ??PAR2P1OutputsSSPLSPRK Elevation??PAR2P1OutputsSSPLSPRK Switch Heading 1??PAR2P1OutputsSSPLSPRK SHeading 1??PAR2P1OutputsSSPLSPRK Heading 2??PAR2P1OutputsSSPLSPRK Heading 3??PAR2P1OutputsSSPLSPRK +Switch Heading 2??PAR2P1OutputsSSPLSPRK sSwitch Heading 3??PAR2P1OutputsSSPLSPRK o??PAR2P1OutputsSWCHSPRK X??PAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK y??PAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK ??PAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK '??PAR2P1Input choice8` JIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK ??PAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK X??PAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK X??PAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK Xg??PAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK XG??PAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK X??PAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK X??PAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK ???PAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK ,??PAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK ??PAR2P1Input choiceJIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.SWCHSPRK @<??PAR2P1Input choice>J_>>e=m=JIf enabled, passes the optional input along instead of the primary input.HB[&nw}}~~        x0155587"#'' '!+ ox        n !!$!""%#%$#%&&4'&(')(*)+(,!-,.//2/00313213444x5465768;9/:9;6<D=C=>>?=@D@<@EA<B?B=B@BAC|DEECF?F@FAG>G=HOHHHhHH HIQJPJKKLJMQMIMRNIOLOJOMONP{QRRPSLSMSNTKTJU]V\VWWXVY]YUY^ZU[X[[V[Y[Z\y]^^\_X_Y_Z`W`Vbjcicddecfjfbfkgbhehhchfhgizjkkilelflgmdmcno opFpSplp_qGqTqmq`r?rLrerXs@sMsfsYtAtNtgtZuEuRuku^v<vIvbvUwwpxxnyWzd{K|>}q~uvrst8+GXx(wOhvza{O28@(0!B0){j& x@x0ziq:v!q }N4(zE>eg'8Hp!): X`F@s"00J\s ''hwu@`p(>btZ`h(hhW?r?K20[b_aabcxcXZa(a h8p8P*)j1q.X v (N6+8ada_8i_iP8 qVrJ8{W{4DP1pp88(U8@Xh9Z;Q3uuHcXx5-j+oN   `afghlkiF@G> G=HO vH34 =8H &4 54 H HqGqTpSrLOPBuEL5[&v<K w"#%+*)('&$n4320/.-,r?5tAM!s@N6sM8RQ7tNW9 CBA@?>=<;:wp1qmDXYEq`FGHIJuRUSvIVTpl^]\[Zp__edcbreonmjsfwurptgxtsqrX~}|{zysY tZ ukvbu^vU          x015F587  "   #' ! '('&%$#" '/.-,+*)!+746532108=9<;:BDCEA@?> @}PcFAngle Selection ModulepxPHB0$C AO-Occlusion and lighting Module@~=cAngle Selection Module@PoBTCAngle Selection Module@i`N@Angle Selection Module@I$0ASnow Device and Depo Module Z@3]Flowmap Control ModuleY@1Snowy Peaks Module8P~InfoREXT??Main Extents #;wN;wTBDS_x%x_y%yvE` TYTCDSTCNT[-d> >"w?SPRK e2's Jus know it BASIC??PAR2"P1Use lightingP1hSun HeadingP1ZSun ElevationP1Use placement angle 1P1Use placement 2P1Use placement 3P1D??Placement angle 1P1>?Placement angle 2P1H??Placement angle 3P1Main Snow ColorP1?Main Snow MinimumP1??Main Snow MaximumP1<?Main Snow FalloffP1L??Main Snow EqualizerP11 C=?Main Snow BlurP1Use Snow DeviceP1>?IntensityP1p>?Evaporative BalanceP1$dSnow AmountP1<?Depthmask CutoffP1Taper SnowfallP1Main Flow ColorP1Accent Flow ColorP1\??Flow Map MinimumP1??Flow Map MaximumP1??Flow Map FalloffP1=?Flow Map EQP1$??Flow Map BlurP1Main Peak ColorP1Accent Peak ColorP1?Peak MinimumP1l??Peak MaximumP1?Peak FalloffP1??Peak EQ